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Read All About It-Favorite Books of 2016 (so far)

Of The Sea-Favorite Books of 2016
While reading has always been a favorite pastime of mine, I can rarely find the time to actually sit and get through an entire book. BUT these books have changed everything! These books I have successfully read from front to back. And let me tell you, these are my absolute favorites. 

If you're looking for some feel good entertainment for your eyes, look no further.

Of The Sea-Favorite Books of 2016

Of The Sea-Favorite Books of 2016

You Are A Badass: You know that moment when you're overwhelmed by the trials in life that seem to do nothing but defeat you? You know when you're doubting every decision you've ever made and will make? That's when you need this book. Hello, mood booster! 

Find Your Happy Daily Mantras: This book is pretty self-explanitory. If you find yourself in a negative rut, this book is an awesome way to put life into perspective. It has a mantra for every day, so make it a part of your daily routine! 

Why Not Me?: First of all, if you haven't discovered the delightful Mindy Kaling, it's time. This is her second book, and I don't know which one I love more. I have nothing else to say except read it! 

Modern Romance: This book kind of took me by surprise. It's essentially a study on the way we date, in comparison to those in the generation before us. It specifically focuses on dating in the day of social media, which honestly fascinates me. And if you're a fan of Anziz Ansari, you'll love his hilarious tidbits. 

I'm always looking for some new reads, so what are your favorite books this year?